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Do Business in Canada

If you have ever considered doing business in Canada, you have stumbled upon the perfect database section to embark on your journey. We have included thousands of business leads throughout Canada in our Canada Business Lists. Each database is categorized by industry or providence so you can conveniently find the business contacts you need. Canada is an extremely prosperous country that is perfect for growing your network. Whatever business you are involved in, you are sure to find new business leads in our Canadian Databases.

Perfect for Directories

Maybe you are planning on building an extensive online search engine and need some new content for your visitors. Within the Canada Business Lists, you are bound to find valuable information your visitors can use. We have collected thousands of Canadian business leads that you can easily download and include in your Website, sparking new traffic and revenue. We've done the legwork, now take advantage of it and put these business leads to good use. If you are serious about your Website, make an investment towards new success.

Convenience & Simplicity

The great characteristic of these Canadian databases is that they are simple and convenient. Downloadable databases make these thousands of contacts easy to read, organize, and manage. Not only that, the download is quick, putting new networking capabilities on your computer in a flash. You can choose from several different download formats and update your Canadian business contacts whenever you need to. Stop wasting time and start networking with the top businesses in Canada, right from your computer.

Marketing to Canada Businesses

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If you wish to market your products and services to businesses that are based in Canada, it should be noted that the Canadian government encourages this. The doors are open towards foreign businesses and immigrants who wish to conduct business in the country. However, there are a number of guidelines that you will want to become familiar with prior to doing business in the country. Because of measures such as NAFTA, or the North American Free Trade Agreement, marketing your products and services to Canadian businesses can allow you to earn profits that are difficult to obtain in the United States. At the same time, you will not be barred from operating your business in the United States in addition to Canada.

A number of studies have indicated that the cost of doing business in Canada is dramatically cheaper than most countries in Europe, Asia, and North America. Statistically, the costs are approximately 9% lower than doing business in the United States, and this is after taxes. However, the savings that you will experience are larger dependent on the industry you're working in. You may be wandering why the costs involved with marketing to businesses in Canada is so much lower than other countries. There are a number of reasons. Canada has low labor costs, and the statutory benefits are low as well. This will allow your company to save large amounts of money. A number of studies have shown that the cost of benefits make up just over 30% of the salary involved with marketing to businesses in the United States.

In contrast, the benefit costs in Canada are much lower. In addition to this, it should also be noted that the wages in Canada are lower than the United States. It is easy to see why companies that wish to market to Canadian businesses can save a large amount of money. In addition to the costs involved with labor and benefits, it is also important for marketers to look at the costs of production. Research has shown that the cost for electricity in Canada is over 20% lower than the cost for electricity in the United States. The cost to operate buildings for Canadian businesses are over 5% lower than their American counterparts. This is crucially important because these costs will be transferred onto foreign companies that wish to market their products and services to Canadian businesses.

Canada is a first class nation that offers advanced technology. In addition to the low costs that Canadian businesses have when it comes to power and the operation of facilities, they also have low telecommunications costs. The costs for telecommunication in Canada are some of the lowest in the world. With all these benefits, any foreign business that is looking to expand into international markets would be hard pressed not to choose Canada as one of their markets. Unlike many countries, the Canadian government encourages businesses to operate in the country. In addition to native businesses, the government also encourages foreign businesses to invest in the country. Because of the many small businesses that exist in Canada, there are a number of opportunities for foreign businesses that are looking to market to them.

Before you start marketing your products or services to Canadian businesses, it is important to learn a little about how the government in the country operates. It is also crucial for you to decide what type of business you would like to operate. You have the choice of starting a sole proprietorship, franchise, corporation, or joint venture. Each of these business models is accepted by the Canadian government. Once you have decided this, you will next want to look at the type of business you want to start. This article is targeted towards foreign businesses that are looking to offer their products and services to Canadian businesses. Before you make a decision, you will want to do statistical analysis to find out which products and services are in the highest demand. What do Canadian businesses need the most?

This is a question you must answer if you wish to do business in Canada. The Internet is a powerful tool that can allow you to access a large amount of valuable information that is related to Canadian businesses, both large and small. It should be noted that the vast majority of foreign businesses that operate in Canada are set up as corporations. If you choose to establish a corporation, you must decide if you will be a branch or a subsidiary. The Canadian government will treat branches differently from subsidiaries. Setting up a branch can protect you from certain losses if you structure it correctly. However, this does not mean that a branch is superior to a subsidiary. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you will want to do more research to find out which one suits your needs the most.

Because the Canadian government is so friendly towards small businesses that operate in the country, there are a large number of companies that are being established within a short period of time. These businesses are in need of a number of unique products and services, and this has created a market for foreign companies. While many companies wish to sell their products or services to Canadian citizens, there is a niche market available for companies that are looking to market their products and services to Canadian businesses. Even if you are marketing your products and services to Canadian businesses, it is important for you to become familiar with the Investment Canada Act.

The Investment Canadian Act states that those who are not Canadian citizens must file to have their investments reviewed. The only way this can be avoided is if the company has a specific exemption. It is simply done as a measure to make sure Canadians are benefiting from the company, and it should not deter companies who wish to operate in the country. It should also be noted that the Investment Canadian Act is not likely to cover businesses that do not have more than $5 million in assets.

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