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This Geocode database for Ireland contains the geographic features of Ireland. Dataset Includes the Latitude and Longitude of Each Geographic Feature. This dataset is Perfect for Geocoding Applications. Database also contains all Feature Classification for Administrative regions, Populated places, Vegetation, Locality or area, Undersea, Streets, highways, roads, or railroad, Hypsographic, Hydrographic and Spot feature locations. Ireland is the third largest island in Europe. It lies in between the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea. It is composed of the Republic of Ireland (officially named Ireland), a state which covers five-sixths of the island (south, east, west and north-west), and Northern Ireland; part of the United Kingdom, which covers the northeastern sixth of the island. The population of the island is approximately 5.8 million people (2001); 4.1 million in the Republic of Ireland (1.5 million in Greater Dublin) and 1.7 million in Northern Ireland (0.6 million in Greater Belfast).
Table Schema Database Field Statistics
- Region Code
- Unique Feature Identifier
- Unique Name Identifier
- Unique Geospatial Reference Coordinate (GRC) Identifier
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Universal Transverse Mercator
- Joint Operations Graphic
- Feature Classification
- Feature Designation Code
- Populated Place Classification
- Primary Country Code
- First Order Division
- Full Name
- Short Name
- Description
- Type. See Record Information Below for full field descriptions.
Sample Data 24,707 Total Records
An Excel Speadsheet has been created with some sample data from this database. You can download this sample spreadsheet here: Ireland Geocode DatabaseRecords Information
Field Name | Field Description | Field Type | Maximum Field Length |
RC | Region Code. A code that determines the character mapping used in the Full_Name field: 1 = Western Europe/Americas; 2 = Eastern Europe; 3 = Africa/Middle East; 4 = Central Asia; 5 = Asia/Pacific; 6 = Vietnam. | number | 1 Digit |
UFI | Unique Feature Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies the feature. | number | ± 10 Digits |
UNI | Unique Name Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies a name. | number | ± 10 Digits |
UGI | Unique Geospatial Reference Coordinate (GRC) Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies a GRC. A GRC is a set of multiple coordinates identifying a feature (in most cases the feature would be linear in nature). This field is not normally selected by default. | number | ± 10 Digits |
LAT | Latitude of the feature in ± decimal degree (WGS84): no sign (+) = North; negative sign (-) = South. | number | ± 2.15 Digits |
LONG | Longitude of the feature in ± decimal degree (WGS84): no sign (+) = East; negative sign (-) = West. | number | ± 3.14 Digits |
DMS_LAT | Latitude of the feature in ± degree, minuets, and seconds (WGS84): no sign (+) = North; negative sign (-) = South. | number | ± 6 Digits |
DMS_LONG | Longitude of the feature in ± degree, minuets, and seconds (WGS84): no sign (+) = East; negative sign (-) = West. | number | ± 7 Digits |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate grid reference. | character | 4 Characters |
JOG | Joint Operations Graphic reference. | character | 7 Characters |
FC | Feature Classification: A = Administrative region; P = Populated place; V = Vegetation; L = Locality or area; U = Undersea; R = Streets, highways, roads, or railroad; T = Hypsographic; H = Hydrographic; S = Spot feature. | character | 1 Character |
DSG | Feature Designation Code. A two to five-character code used to identify the type of feature a name is applied to. | character | 5 Characters |
PC | Populated Place Classification. A graduated numerical scale denoting the relative importance of a populated place. The scale ranges from 1, relatively high, to 5, relatively low. The scale could also include NULL (no value) as a value for populated places with unknown or undetermined classification. | number | 1 Digit |
CC1 | Primary Country Code. A two alphabetic character code uniquely identifying a geopolitical entity (countries, dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty). | character | 2 Characters |
ADM1 | First-order administrative division. A two alphanumeric character code uniquely identifying a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States. | character | 2 Characters |
ADM2 | Second-order administrative division. The name of a subdivision of a first-order administrative division, such as a county in the United States. | variable character | 200 Characters |
POP | Population Figures. | number | 10 Digits |
ELEV | Elevations (in meters, decimal values accepted). | number | ± 22 Digits - floating decimal point |
CC2 | Secondary Country Code. A two alphabetic character code uniquely identifying the country code of a particular name if different than that of the feature. | character | 2 Characters |
GCC | Geospatial Reference Coordinate (GRC) Country Code. A two alphabetic character code uniquely identifying the country code of a particular name of a GRC. This field is not normally selected by default. | character | 2 Characters |
NT | Name Type: C = Conventional; D = Not verified; N = Native; V = Variant or alternate. | character | 1 Character |
LC | Language Code. A two alphabetic character code uniquely identifying a language of a country if multiple official languages are used. | character | 2 Characters |
SHORT_FORM | A specific part of the name that could substitute for the full name. | variable character | 128 Characters |
GENERIC | The descriptive part of the full name (does not apply to populated place names). | variable character | 128 Characters |
SORT_NAME | A form of the full name which allows for easy sorting of the name into alpha-numeric sequence. It is comprised of the specific name, generic name, and any articles or prepositions. This field is all upper case with spaces, diacritics, and hyphens removed and numbers are substituted with lower case alphabetic characters. | variable character | 200 Characters |
FULL_NAME | The full name is a complete name which identifies the named feature. It is comprised of the specific name, generic name, and any articles or prepositions. | variable character | 200 Characters |
FULL_NAME_ND | Same as the full name but the diacritics and special characters are substituted with Roman characters ND = No Diacritics / Stripped Diacritics. | variable character | 200 Characters |
MOD_DATE | The date a new feature was added or any part of an existing feature was modified (YYYY-MM-DD). This field is not normally selected by default. | date-time | 10 Characters |